3 Quotes & Sayings By Joy Manne

Joy Manne is a noted author, journalist and inspirational speaker. A former editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, she is the founder and executive director of the Joy Manne Foundation, which provides scholarships for aspiring journalists and hosts public speaking seminars. She is the author of the personal development book "Joy: The Secret to Happiness and Success" and co-author of "The Joy Factor: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything".

Buddha is someone with a very advanced self-concept. His self-esteem is perfect; he has gone beyond doubt; he knows, and he is confident of his knowledge; he expresses himself with conviction. When the Buddha talks of himself in the first person he does so with clarity. He has a strong sense of identity and knows very well who he is. He gives accounts of his life experiences in the first person. Joy Manne
Consciousness is naturally shamanic. Joy Manne